Technical Committee on Innovations and Standards in Communication Technology (ISICT)

  • We have established a Technical Committee on Innovations and Standards in Communication Technology (ISICT)
  • The charter is to foster true innovation in communication technology. To better understand the essence of innovation in a general sense and nurture it for the benefit of humanity with emphasis upon communication-related technologies.
  • Innovation involves fundamental changes in paradigm that can open entirely new fields of research and technology. Without innovation, we continue adding refinements to existing technology while missing bigger opportunities for new ways of thinking.
  • One of our goals is to better predict and evaluate the potential of new communication technology.

Industry Impact Factor

Objective: There is no reliable, objective metric for how publications impact industry and society. There are various types of impact factors; however, they tend to be skewed towards citations in the academic realm rather than impact upon real world technologies, industry, and society. The industry impact factor should measure to what extent a publication has an actual benefit to real technologies, industry, and thus society in general.

Benefits:  (a) Help researchers better understand results that actually benefit society and improve research in general  (b) Track publications that have been found to be of actual benefit to society  (c) Help the IEEE better track research that impacts revenue for the IEEE  (d) Help the IEEE demonstrate its impact on society (beyond just academic output)

Example: The actual metric is being defined; however, it would likely take into account references by (1) standards, (2) patents, (3) references by industry authors, and perhaps a (4) count of publications used by industry. The metric should represent ideas that have been proven to benefit technology and industry because they are actually used.

The Industry Impact Factor will have wide-spread use in determining real innovation.
